Hi Mom,
So as I’m writing this, it’s been about a month since I moved out. And it has been an eye-opening experience that made me realize a lot of things. One of the first things that I realized was how much you did for me, things that were very time consuming and sometimes difficult. And you did them without even hesitating. Being out here on my own having to cook and clean and do my own laundry, I realize just how much you did for me when I was back home, and I wish I had realized that at the time so I could’ve said thank you more often. But since I can’t go back in time, I want to use now to say it: Thank you. It was always nice coming home to a home cooked dinner and clean clothes, and I guess I just got used to it.
Something else that I realized was the fact that whenever I was home with you, I always had someone to do things with. You were and will always be my best friend, and so whenever I wanted to do something like get frozen yogurt or Boba tea, I would always have someone to go with. Now that I’m off on my own, it’s become a lot harder to convince people to go out with me and indulge with me and my giant sweet tooth.
In addition to that, there is no one on the planet who would rather hear what I have to talk about than you. Whether I’m complaining about random drama in my life or just generally want to talk to someone, you were always there. And I know even know you’re just a phone call or text message away, but it was nice being able to constantly be around someone who truly cared about what was going on.
Above all, I realize that although there were times at home where things got tough or we would disagree or we wouldn’t be happy with each other, in the end now that I’m away I still miss you. There were definitely a lot of things I took for granted while I was living at home and I think taking a step back and moving away really helped me realize that.
So, what am I going to do with all this newfound knowledge you may ask? Well really I’m going to use it as a way to remind myself not to lose touch with home. I know it’s easy when you move away to college to just never call home and never come home, but I realize that I don’t want to do that and risk distancing myself.
So Mom, I love you, I miss you, and thank you.