“Tell me who, who would I be without you?”'
Dear Lee,
It’s crazy how much you’ve grown in these past four years. I remember the first day I met you and looked into your eyes, I knew there was something very special about you. You’ve brought so much happiness to our lives. And I want you to know you can always count on me. Although you are too young to read this now, I want this to be something you can look at when you’re older. I hope when you do come across this letter that you’re either on your path already or that you feel compelled to follow your own dreams. Life is difficult, but you are strong.
My godson, I tell you, there will be very mean people out in the real world but always remember how unique you are. Surround yourself with positivity and you will blossom. Be a listener and empathize. Have an open mind. Learning is powerful. Knowledge is forever. Self-love is important. We are all brothers and sisters. Putting a smile on someone's face can be a beautiful feeling.
Earlier this year I turned 21 and the best advice I can give you is find something that you’re good at and excel. Even when society tells you that you can't do something because of the circumstances you were born into, kindly remind them you can do anything you set your mind to. When people call you names —remember rumors and lies spread about you aren’t a reflection of who you are — ignore them because you know your own self-worth and you won’t stoop low. Be what you want to see in the world. And I want you to know it’s okay if you have ever feel overwhelmed, or tired, or sad because I have too, we all have. We are all human. Most importantly don’t ever give up on the goals you've set for yourself because you have a support system, lean on us when you need to. We're here for you. Lee when you turn 21, I hope like me you are proud of your New York roots and the family we have.
Being away for college has been one of the most difficult endeavors I’ve ever done, but I hope I’m making you, Louie, mommy, and everybody in the family proud. You guys keep me strong, recharged. It won’t be too long before I’m back in New York for Christmas, I look forward to watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with you and playing with toy cars. Lee you are destined for great, great things; I just feel it in my heart. It’s in our blood, it’s who we are. I’m lucky to be your godfather. No matter the distance between us, you are always on my mind. Love you always!
Your Older Brother,