As I came into college, I was expecting to make some friends but never realized I would have been grateful enough to meet you. Out of the the thousands of colleges that we could have chose from, we chose the same one (maybe that’s why we are such good friends, we have amazing taste in universities). At the beginning of the year when we first met, I never realized how close we would possibly get. We are hours away from each other and had never talked prior to meeting at college. Thankfully, we met because you are my rock, my go to, and most of all… You are my best friend.
First, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there through the tears, the stress, when I am in a terrible mood, the laughs, when I need to rejoice in my successes, and need comfort in my failures, you are ALWAYS there! I have barged into your room yelling about my problems or laughing about my dumb mistake I had done earlier that day, and you didn’t even question why I never knocked. You are honest with me. When I have made a mistake or am not pushing myself to my fullest potential, you do! You keep me in line just as I do with you.
Thank you for being the most fun person I know. The memories, ahhh the memories. We always laugh endlessly about the dumbest things possible. You are always up to go on every adventure possible. From going to the city out on a whim doing whatever to deciding to rearrange the room at three in the morning, we have done it all! It is great knowing that you are always up to do whatever. We are both so free spirited and fun, the times we have together never fail to be amazing.
My biggest thank you is for never getting tired of me. Spending day in and day out with someone you think you would get annoyed, but we never do (well at least you never make it known I do). If we make each other upset or mad we talk about it and are able to fix the situation because we know our friendship is more than a stupid fight. We might watch Netflix and do school work for hours on end, but somehow we still find a way to make it enjoyable (as enjoyable as it can be, sometimes school work can really suck).
Overall, thank you for everything. Don’t get me wrong, my best friends from home are absolutely incredible! There is just a certain bond between two people who started out at a completely new place together and had to make friends from the get go. Thankfully, you were the one of the best ones I met. You are absolutely everything I look for in a best friend. I know for a fact you will be my lifelong friend that will be in my wedding, a godmother to my children, and my neighbor in the nursing home. Thank you most of all for being you, my best friend.