I know you probably think I’m over bearing or needy but you honestly saved me from a terrible relationship, and for that I thank you. You mean everything to me and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world, so this is my thank you.
1. Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for caring for me, for actually wanting to be around me and wanting to help me. You have no idea how the little things you do make me feel, from making me laugh so hard I cried or being so kind, and understanding me.
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2. Thank you for being there when I cried.
Most people I know have no problem opening up, however this isn’t me. (as you’re starting to find out) even though you live 60 miles away if I need you I can feel you with me. I can feel you trying so hard to understand what is going on and you actually give a crap about how I feel. You haven’t experienced a full break down yet (and let’s be honest. I’m terrified to do that because I’m scared ill lose you) but I have a feeling you’ll handle it as you seem fit and I will feel better just from you trying.
3. Thank you for the book and cookies.
Oh man! The book and cookies, now that will be a story I will always carry with me. You sent me the one book I wanted so badly and only mentioned once, you have no idea how happy that made me. I actually cried happy tears. No one has ever done anything like that for me. You remembered that one night I needed Oreos in my life and you mailed them to me, because you don’t live here. After that I knew for sure that you were the only one for me for the rest of my life.
4. Holding my hand in public.
Thank you for wanting the be seen with me in public. Not only does holding my hand make me feel wanted, but it also makes me feel safe and strong. I feel like as long as I have you by my side I can conquer anything in my path. Never have I had this much confidence in myself. Having someone that looks like you, wanting me? I feel like I’m walking on air.
5. Thank you for making me feel wanted.
I have never felt like I belonged with someone as much as you make me feel. I’ve always wanted someone to take care of me even though I always say I don’t need it, or that I can take care of myself. Everyone, deep deep deep down knows that they have always wanted someone to take care of them. Whether it be them holding the door open when you walk through or when you’re crying. Everyone, no matter how strong, will need someone to take care of them at some point, and for you I thank you for allowing me to put my trust into you that you’ll be there for me when I need you the most.
6. Thank you for meeting my parents.
I have always wanted someone to bring home to my parents that would make them proud of me for finding them, and you sir, you brought it. I put my faith in you and you didn’t let me down. You made all my expectations come true and even surpassed them. My parents like you and you know how hard it is for a father to like the boy his only daughter brings home. You’re perfect in every way and you don’t even try.
7. Thank you for the laughs.
Our inside jokes are what keeps me going. If I ever start having a bad day I think about that day in my car when we just drove around and we talked about everything under the sun. gas was expensive but I would spend every penny I owned just to ride in that car with you. We made so many inside jokes that I still feel my abs hurting from how hard you had me laughing. Even though some got me in trouble with my dad it was still worth getting to laugh so hard we both cried.
8. Thank you for understanding my mental illness.
Or rather trying to understand them. I’m sure loving someone with manic depression can be challenging and you’re trying the best you can to help me when I need it. You even looked up my medication so you could better understand what I had. You even asking about it was enough. You’re the only person I’ve ever been with that hasn’t told me I was making it up or that I needed to just try and be happy. You just wanting to understand me means so much to me and you will never understand how much that means to me.
9. Thank you for respecting my wishes.
Thank you for understanding what triggers are and that they’re real. When I ask you to stop doing something you stop doing it right away. It’s like you can tell in my face that its bothering me and you stop as soon as you see the pain in my eyes. Thank you for not forcing me to do something when I tell you I don’t want to do it. You don’t ask why you just understand and accept that I just don’t want to. You respect me without even trying, and I’m sure you don’t even know that you’re doing it but you do it perfectly, and I am so happy I have you.
10. Thank you for being yourself.
I know you don’t agree, but I think you’re perfect in every single way. From the gold flakes in your brown eyes to the goofy faces you make. Your everything I’ve ever wanted. Everyone makes a list of the perfect person they want in their lives, and baby you’re just steadily working your way down the list. Your even adding thing to it that I didn’t even know I wanted in a significant other. Thank you for supporting my ideas no matter how small they may be. You make me feel like no one else ever has. You make me feel whole again, filling in the pieces that I didn’t even know were missing. We haven’t been together for a long time but I already know I’m not going anywhere.
11. Thank you for accepting me.
I know I’m probably a lot to handle sometimes, from the sudden out bursts of emotion, anger, or sadness, to the never ending ranting and complaining. But thank you, you make me feel like I’m not that much to handle and that I’m actually a normal person. I don’t feel so alone anymore, even with you not living in the same town as me, with you it’s worth it. It’s worth driving an hour and some change just to see you. You understand what you can, and what you can’t you try as hard as you can to figure it out and make it better.
I’m having a hard time finding the right way to finish this up while I’m talking on the phone with you and you’re singing stuff from SpongeBob super off key in my ear. You’re amazing and I wouldn’t trade you for anything. Thank you so much for everything you do for me. I honestly don't think I've been this happy in a really long time and I still feel like this isn't enough to thank you, but thank you so very much for the laughs, the tears from feeling so cared for, and most of all thank you for being yourself.