To wash the dishes, clean the clothes, clean the house, make his dinner, and do it all again the next day, she was taught this way, but what she knows for sure is that she is his backbone, his confidant; that behind every man is a strong woman.
She will always keep this in mind.
She was taught to never speak against him, "Baby girl make sure you always defend him!" She was told to keep her mouth shut and her head down; she was taught never to be seen with a frown. "There is always someone watching, watching your every move and will tell it to him"; she was trained to never fight – to always agree, so everything will be alright.
"Never let him see you cry because when he does, that is your demise"
She was constantly schooled and educated in how to love her man and how to love herself; " Don't let him abuse you, but he surely will try to use you!" A woman always knows when something is wrong. She did, and found out what he did. "He will lie, cheat, and scheme to a point whether it stops or continues is up to you."; So she speaks up and she talks, but all he wants to do is fight.
FIght with her as much as you please, but always know she will not leave; because if she leaves, you will not survive on your own; you were taught to enjoy, that she will be the glue that makes you whole; the one who makes you strong, the one who dresses you well. She drilled that into her soul.
You and I will not be him and her, I refuse to live my life in a blur; I will not rinse, wash and repeat on my own. I will request your help, but don't be afraid; because if you a real man, a strong man, you wouldn't let any woman, let alone me, do it alone.
She put that in my mind.
I will not lie, I am hardheaded and headstrong hopefully you will be too; if you love me for my faults for my quirks I will forever love you for yours. we will fight we will love we will hate, but if we are as strong as I believe we will be everything will end up okay. She drilled that into my heart.
We will love, we will fight, but in the end, we will thrive because we'll survive.