Dear Little Me,
If there were a couple things I could tell you I would tell you to love yourself. You are by far good enough, you are more than enough. Don't let anyone else make you believe otherwise, you are good enough.
You are also smart enough to do anything you put your mind to. Focus and study nothing is too hard. Continue reading while you have the time as well. The older you get the less time you'll find to do things like read for fun.
Follow your heart when you make any decisions, they're usually the right ones.
Don't let your friends treat you badly because you think you deserve it. Don't let them treat you like you aren't important because you are too nice to say anything. You deserve good friends and you will find them. Just don't settle for being treated badly. The same applies to relationships. Don't allow anyone to treat you badly. You deserve to be treated better than that.
Don't judge people, not that that is a problem, but always remember you never know what someone else is going through. Always be nice to people and try to listen to them if they come to you with anything. Go out looking to be a friend and not just looking for friends to have and you'll find real fiends.
Most importantly though, always believe in yourself. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Older You