Jason Christensen,
I'm not going to be angry with this letter, just simply honest. You need to be accountable for your actions. I assume maybe you thought blocking me on Facebook would solve the problem, but oh sir I already had the screenshots.
A year ago yesterday, I was in Utah. A year ago yesterday, I took a whole bottle of over-the-counter medicine and tried to kill myself. A year ago yesterday, I found myself with the worst stomach pain ever. A year ago today, my body fought for life and won.
This is to say that yes, I lived in Utah. In fact, I lived in Senate District 16, the district you're running for. It's also to say that a youth suicide hits a tender spot in my heart. But this wasn't just any youth suicide in your state. This is someone from MY community. He was part of the LGBT community who also have a Mormon background. I am transgender and I finally accepted this for myself after my suicide attempt and started my transition. It's a small community, but it's a niche where I have found acceptance and pure love.
When you replied to a comment on my friends post, of which names have been erased, I couldn't believe it at first. I suppose I was appalled that someone would write such an unwarranted comment on anyone's post, let alone write it on a post announcing a suicide and linking his obituary. That's just heartless.
Yet, you want to be in a position of leadership. I hope you realize that there's a real epidemic in Utah, and no I'm not talking about pornography, I'm talking about real issues, like youth feeling there is no better option than suicide. Suicide is the leading cause of death in ages 10-17 and 18-24 in Utah, and the rate in ages 10-17 has tripled since 2007.
If you have the thought process that it is their fault and that they are sinners and "murders," do you really expect me to believe you're going to do anything to help the problem? Victim blaming and name calling is not solving the problem, it's making it worse.
I also don't understand why you assumed he committed "sins of homosexuality." Being gay doesn't mean you've had sex. It simply means you are attracted to the same gender. I'm not about to get into a theological debate with you, but are you assuming thoughts about the same gender are sins? Because I've always been told that actions are what actually count.
I'm not about to link your sad vertical video I found on YouTube announcing your candidacy, but in regards to the gun fashioned to your waist, is that a scare tactic, a sadistic way of letting the public you mean business, or do you have an alliterative motive for buying the gun? If the thought has ever crossed your mind, are you not now, with your logic, a murder too? If we're talking about this in the context of your involvement in the LDS Church, which you said you belonged to, the church has sided with me on this one.
Lastly, I cannot believe you made it political:
If the people of Utah somehow vote against the incumbent, Curtis Bramble, in favor of you, I will firstly be very disappointed with that district, but also now plead with you to open up your eyes and realize that there are people that are hurting. Please realize that YOU are intolerant when you write these things. Please go into politics with the mindset of wanting to help others, and not just yourself.
In Solidarity,
Augustus Crosby
P.S. I would love a reply and I just got a twitter, feel free to tweet me your response.
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