Dear Lil Sis,
You are growing up way too fast and you need to slow down, or better yet come to a complete stop. You are now old enough to understand things about what goes on, compared to when you were younger. It makes me sad knowing that I was your age once and I know some things that you are going through. I once had those same feelings at the same age as you are now. Going from the tom-boy stage to the beautiful young woman stage. I was once in your shoes, and sooner than you know it you will eventually be in mine.
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You are a pain, and by pain I mean you are the most annoying person I know sometimes. You steal my clothes, and all my hoodies. You wear my shoes, and you take all of my brand new socks. You steal my makeup, and all my headbands. You take things of mine without asking, but that is okay because I will just take them right back. You do things that irk me, like when you tell mom I did something when I didn’t. Or when you don’t answer the phone when I literally called you about a million times. You always forget to put another roll over toilet paper in the bathroom when you are the one to finish it. You leave your dirty laundry on the floor after I just picked it up. You will leave FOOD in the sink, WITH your dishes you didn’t put away. After that you will then steal all the water bottles that I have for the gym. You will eat my leftovers that I saved for myself in the fridge. My phone charger will just magically disappear when your phone is on 2%. You will constantly steal my headphones when you already have a pair of your own. But I guess I will still love you anyways
As the years go on, and we grow older and older, it feels like we become closer in age but that is not the case. It feels that way because as the days go by you understand way more than you did before. But on the other hand, it may not be all cut out as it seems to be. Although you are only a few years younger then me I have always treated you as if you were a few years older. I will always be here whenever you need me. I will be here when you tell me about all the boy crushes that you have. I will be here to help you do your makeup and curl your hair for dances and parties. I will attend every sports event of yours when I can, even if I am sitting outside in -4° weather. I will be there to take you and pick you up from all your friends houses. And I will be there for you every second of the way. Although it will sucks to say, and I hope it never happens, I will be there for your first heartbreak. I will be here when you flunk that test you studied really hard for. I will be here when girls at your school start drama, because every girl does. I will stalk you on social media, and creep on everyone that you follow. I will be here when you fail, and I will pick you up when you fall. But most importantly I will be right by your side watching your every move whether you like it or not.
I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t tell me something. I want us to still be close in ten, twenty, thirty years from now. I would like to be able to grow with you, and talk to you before I decide to make any life changing decisions. I miss you when you are gone, even if you are just going to your friends house for the weekend. It sucks not having you around. And I never want to be in a situation where you are not just a phone call away. I enjoy doing things with you, and I cherish the memories we have made together. Whether it being dragged to a festive event with mother every holiday, or us grabbing a bite to eat for lunch. Making jokes at the dinner table about how you need to eat a bigger variety of food. Sledding in front of the house whenever it snows. Watching movies on a rainy day, and you making about five bags of popcorn at once. Whether it be you asking me to braid your hair after you get out of the shower, but any other time I ask, you say no. Or when you make dinner for yourself and not me and you know that I will steal a piece of your food anyways. Whether you call me after work to see if I will bring you home food, because 99% of the time you get the exact same thing.
I love playing video games with you, and going out shopping just because. I love going to the pool with you and your friends every summer. I love going before school shopping for backpacks with you. I love dressing up together every Halloween. I love making a dish with you every Thanksgiving. I love decorating cookies with you every Christmas. And I especially love every New Year with you because that means we can spend another year doing everything together all over again.
I know that I yell a lot. I know that we argue all the time. I will compare you to what I was like at your age. It will come up almost every other day about how I “stole” you shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and about how it is all my fault that you were late getting to school. I may not be the best. I know that I am not always right. I may not be the perfect role model of a bigger sister out there, but I try. I may eavesdrop on Mom yelling at you for not doing your chores, but that’s what sisters do. Sisters fight, tattle tale, and love. It is in our nature. That is how a strong relationship is formed. I would not change or replace you for anything in the entire world. You are my little sister, and I am proud to be your big sister. You amaze me in so many ways, and I am proud of everything that you have accomplished. You are doing so much more at that age then I was ever doing. You are all grown up now, and I can’t stop you. I can’t go back to the days you when you couldn’t talk, because that would be great. I can’t just freeze time and start it back up whenever I want again. I love you and I will be here for you every step of the way (or every other step of the way because I have tiny legs because I am short). Strive for greatness and nothing less.
P.S. I will spoil you with love and support, but not clothes, I want all my clothes back.
Your Big Sis