Dear Schoolwork I Didn't Do,
Do I feel bad that I ignored you? Right now, no. Will I after the first day back of classes? Oh, you bet I will.
What can I say? You weren't that exciting, and let's be honest, I had more important things to do. I was home on a break, and I had my family, my friends, my job, and other more exciting things to do. Sorry, but that stack of books and papers that was cluttering up my floor was not near the top of my list.
I know, I had an outline or two to do, a large essay to write, some online homework to finish, pages of notes to print off, and plenty of organizing to accomplish, but doing all of that just seemed inconvenient.
Heck, it's going to be so inconvenient to go back to school without anything done.
I think I can manage, though.
Now, let's be real here, what kind of person is going to totally ignore their family and everything they used to live for for a little school stuff? I don't know, but I'm not that person, and I probably wouldn't be friends with that person. If you could just do yourself, yeah, that would be great.
For starters, my mom hates when I leave papers and books on the kitchen table, and that's what you consist of. Truly, it was going to take a span of a few days to get all of you done, but I couldn't leave all of you out on the table for that long.
So, my excuses to why you're not done begin.
It was Thanksgiving break. I was way more focused on baking, eating, and just getting completely fat from amazing, homemade food. Forget schoolwork when you have food.
Well, college has made me incredibly poor, so as soon as I knew I was coming back home for break, I got my old job back. I said a decent amount of hours, but suddenly, I was working every single day (except for Thanksgiving). Hey, at least I get paid for doing that work, meanwhile, I'm the one paying to go to school and do that work.
I get distracted really easily, especially when my dog is on my lap, the wifi is better than at school, and I can pretty much do anything but schoolwork. So that means I did. Online shopping, anyone??
It was worth it, you know, spending more time with my family and friends, making money, spending that money, really just basically forgetting you existed for a whole week.
Although, now it comes time to go back to school as classes are beginning, and I'm looking at the stack of you, the papers and books cluttering my floor (just as they did from the day I brought them home), and instantly my stress levels rise. Just because I put you off for a week doesn't mean you're gone.
I just have a whole stack of schoolwork to do in about one or two days. No big deal.
A Typical Student