Alright moms, raise your hand if you have this whole parenting thing nailed down to a science. Raise your hand if you know what you’re doing every minute of every single day. Raise your hand if you go to bed at night completely happy and proud of how the day went. Yeah, I didn’t raise mine either. Who among us hasn’t taken the easy way out when it comes to school bake sales or science projects? Who among us hasn’t actually made an excuse to take a second shower in the middle of the day just so we can have a few minutes alone?
C’mon now, let’s be realistic. Parenting as a whole is tough, it’s true, but motherhood in and of itself stands alone. It’s amazing to me that even though I am married my kids still bypass my husband who is in the same room with them and come bother me in the bathroom just to open a fruit snack wrapper. I mean, c’mon, are you kidding me? I’m not asking for much really; just a few minutes where I can use the bathroom without little fingers wiggling under the door.
That makes me sound like a horrible person doesn’t it? I sound like the worst mother in the world, I’m sure. But you know what, I’m okay with that. It’s okay to admit that I cannot be supermom twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Sometimes being just an okay mom is good enough too. At least I tried and at least I gave it my all. So what if I missed the mark just a little today? I’m not perfect and I don’t have all the answers. I do the best I can. As long as my kids are smiling when they lay their heads down at night I am pleased with how well we’re doing.
Fellow moms, aren’t you tired? Aren’t you completely, totally, and unconditionally exhausted? Guess what? We all are and I promise you that’s not just okay, it’s expected. Admitting defeat and our short comings do not make us bad people. It doesn’t mean we are horrible mothers. If anything, it shows our children that we are human. I don’t know about the rest of you, but that is exactly what I want. I want my kids to see that I don’t know what I’m doing most days and that I’m wrong more often than I’m right because then at least their expectations in life are realistic.
Let’s face it, we’re all bad moms. We’re all just stumbling around in the dark when it comes to this parenting thing. So, how about instead of trying to beat one another down and be the best at the PTA, we spend more time building each other up. Let's raise our glasses in solidarity and ban together to overcome our insecurities. Motherhood should have its own labor union; I swear to it. We are overworked, over stressed, and way underpaid. We are emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. But you know what, we also have the best and most rewarding job on this planet.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be a mom and I feel for them, I really do. Everyone who wants to should experience this. And not just the stress, frustration, and tears, but the entire picture. There are days when I swear to you I am two steps out the front door, but then my kids will run up to me full on and embrace me in a hug. That changes my mind every time, because no matter what went wrong that day, they need me. And being needed is an amazing feeling. It is one every human being on this planet longs for.
I spend more time trying to escape than anything else. My house is always a mess. My kids eat store bought, canned or frozen dinners more than I cook lately. I don’t wake up super early and make them pancakes before school. I don’t have every answer and I definitely do not pretend to be something I am not. I make mistakes and I screw up, but you know what else, I still show up. I do my best and I try. So, yes, I am a bad mom, but at least I own it.