I am lucky enough to have five uncles because both of my parents only have brothers. Each and every one of them has been a blessing to my life but I have grown very close to one of them in particular. I am so thankful to be surrounded by such positive influences that make up for the absence of my dad leaving; so this is a letter to the one who has been there for me in countless ways.
Dear Uncle Shawn,
When you moved back to the East Coast almost 3 years ago, I never imagined that we would have such a great relationship. I had always been attached to you, despite only seeing you once every few years. I remember one time in particular when I was around 5 years old, you had come to visit and were not feeling well at all. I was at your hip the whole time and despite feeling absolutely terrible, you didn’t mind me clinging to you.
You moved back home at a time when I was so lost. My dad had recently walked out of my life and I was spiraling downhill way too quickly. I was in such a deep state of depression that I did not know what was going to happen. I remember the first time I visited, you sat down and had a talk with me. You were honest and told me everything. Honesty was something I really needed at the time. You told me you would always be there for me and to this day, you have stuck with that promise. I just remember breaking down and bawling in your arms. For once, I had a father-like figure who showed that he cared. I had never received that before.
The times we have spent together in the past 2.5 years have been so special to me. From all of the holidays we have been able to spend together to going to the beach and taking pictures. I am so glad that we share that same passion of photography. It was so worth it to wake up at 5 AM that bitter cold morning after Christmas, walk to the beach and get those amazing pictures of the sunrise. I am so incredibly thankful for all of the times you answered your phone while I called you crying hysterically. You stayed on the phone with me until you knew I had calmed down. I love those morning texts where you say you are thinking and praying for me. You have always been great at listening and giving me your best advice.
You have been such a blessing in my life. You came at a time when I was really lost and confused and you never once have given up on me. You choose to love me when you don’t have to. You have been the best father figure I could ever dream of. You came into my life just as my dad had left. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and people come into your life when they are meant to.
I just wanted to say thank you for being the person that I so desperately needed. Thank you for always encouraging me to do my best. I am so proud of you and I am so glad that I have someone like you in my life. I am also holding you to that promise of going to a Hillsong concert together. Haha.
Your niece