Dear Protestors,
Difference of opinions are okay, but they're not okay when you disrespect Our President, Donald Trump. I can understand if you don't like him but he is Our President now, and there is absolutely nothing you can do; unless you want to protest for the next four years. Considering that I was raised by respectful parents, I was always told that if I didn't like the person in office that was merely okay, BUT I did have to respect him/her because they were now The President. Saying #notmypresident is extremely disrespectful to Mr. Trump. He is now your President, my President, your neighbors President, and everyone in the United States' President. At the end of the day, President Donald Trump is in office and is now controlling our country. And I'm not sorry about it, or my opinion.
I can understand why you don't like him, but there is a time and place to talk about Trump. If you don't like him, good for you, but I'd rather not hear you complain about his actions for the next 4 years. I would rather you talk to your like-minded friends, and leave me out of it. Unless of course, you need me to pick up some cheese to go with your whine. I will do the same for you as well. If you do like Trump, great! You must be very happy, but just as I said to those who do not like Trump, keep your complaining or excitement to yourself, or speak about it to others who care enough. I am not saying that I don't care about what happens to our country, but I don't care to hear about your opinions about Our President.
I know that Trump being President is a shock to those who didn't vote for him, but it is time to accept that he is the leader of this country, and I don't think he'll be going away anytime soon.
Lastly, I can not express enough how much I do love the United States of America, but I can not express how angry it makes me when I hear people disrespecting a man who runs our country. And I know that you're probably sitting down and saying, "Why should I respect a man who doesn't seem to respect women?" Well, I never said I agreed with everything that he says, but I will continue to respect the fact that he is President, and so should you.
Someone who respects Our President.