A Letter To The Incoming College Freshman | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To The Incoming College Freshman

Why it's perfectly okay not to have your life figured out just yet.

A Letter To The Incoming College Freshman
Karen Strop

As an incoming college freshman, this is one of the most exciting times of your life. With so many things going on right now, it also seems like it is one of the most stressful times as well. You’ve taken numerous tests, have applied to many different universities, and have had the opportunity to visit some of your favorite campuses. You’ve faced and conquered the decision of where to spend the next four years, if not longer, or your life. During this time it’s not uncommon to be bombarded with questions about where you will be attending school and what you will be studying, as I’m sure you’ve already experienced. These questions are guaranteed to stress the average 18-year-old, newly high school graduate out. It may even seem that asking young adults what they are going to do with the rest of their lives is in all honesty, an unfair question.

You may soon discover that your education hasn't really done a great job preparing you for what is next in your life. It’s amazing to me that high school seniors are expected to raise their hands to ask to use the restroom, but just a few short months later they are sent out into the real world, with really no clue about what they are doing. By this fall it's likely that you will be mostly on your own. And let me tell you, it’s going to be a huge wake up call. Your high school teachers have spent the last four years trying to prepare you for what’s next, but that’s a tough task at hand. You’ve spent countless hours learning about stuff that leaves your memory the moment you turn in your final exams, when you should have been learning about how to pay future bills and open your own bank account.

Because it’s so easy to become sidetracked with all of the current chaos, it’s also extremely important to keep the true meaning of life in mind. This is far more important than any college degree one can receive. True happiness is found when one knows why they are living, and what they are living for. It is necessary to enjoy what you do every day. Going through the motions just to say that you did is absolutely pointless. It isn’t beneficial to anyone, especially not you. You probably won’t even know just what makes you happy, but you have awhile to figure it out. You are human. You have flaws and you will make mistakes, but more importantly, you have the power to change you mind. Do what makes you happy and don’t worry about what other people say.

When thinking about the future, one of the most important values to have is patience. It is what can help keep you sane through all of the hectic events that are taking place in your life right now. Having patience is possibly one of the most important lessons to learn, and it is crucial to learn it as soon as you can. Patience is not really something that can be taught. It must be learned from experience, which is why some people learn earlier and quicker than others. However, if you remember to have patience, college can seem a little bit less scary. You have already had to demonstrate patience as you have recently had to wait for acceptance letters and scholarship offers. You need to carry this lesson with you. When someone older than you, and supposedly wiser, asks you what you plan on doing with the rest of your life, instead of becoming frustrated when you realize that you don’t even know what you are going to be having for breakfast tomorrow morning, you need to remember to relax and just breathe.

Growing up does not have to be stressful, nor does it have to be scary. However, it requires a group effort in order to put an end to the anxiety experienced when asked what your life plans include. It is going to require more preparation, meditation on what actually matters in life, and the remembrance that everything will work itself out. Right now may seem stressful and chaotic, but it’s important to know that there are many more important things in your life to come. When you look back on this time, you won’t remember all of the stress that came along with it. This is because you will have known that everything turned out okay and that it wasn’t the end of the world that you had absolutely no idea what you were going to do with the rest of your life. Looking back, you probably still won’t even know what exactly you are doing, but you will be more accepting to the fact that that is perfectly okay.

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