To my dear little sister,
Ever since you were born, I have felt an innate need to be your protector, to be your guide. I think big sisters love their little sisters dearly (even when they pretend they don’t). Leaving for college meant leaving a lot of things behind, one of which was you. Technically, I will never truly be gone from you, but I am not physically there to offer you love and support. Life can get difficult and I’m sorry I’m not there to be your guide, which is why I have compiled a list of the 20 most important lessons that I’ve learned over the past years of my life.
- Not everyone will like you and that’s okay. The people who matter most are the ones who do.
- People can be jerks. Period. You cannot change this.
- People will pretend like faith isn’t cool, but honestly, without God we’d be absolutely nothing. Stay close to God and cherish your faith-filled friends.
- Drugs, alcohol, and sex don’t make you cool. They also won’t solve life’s problems.
- Remember to listen. Don't listen with the intent to respond; simply listen with the intent to understand.
- Everything is more exciting when you put your phone away. Be present.
- Love. Love with all you are and everything you have. Love others, but more importantly, love yourself.
- Getting a B isn’t the end of the world. Life is about more than perfect straight A’s. You are worth more than any letter in the grade book.
- Try your absolute hardest, but don’t deprive your body of food, sleep, or love — especially love. Human beings need love.
- Mom and Dad are actually really cool (shocking, I know). They do so much and care about us deeply. Let them love you, and thank them every day. Please don’t take them for granted.
- Pray. Often.
- Sometimes you have to say “screw it” and put the homework away. You can only cram so much. Eventually trying to cram as much information into your head for the exam next period is pointless. You hit a point where your brain will simply not encode any more of the information. Let yourself relax.
- You are your number one priority. You come first — always.
- Practice gratitude. You’d be amazed at how bright the world is when your eyes are opened to the millions of things for which to be thankful.
- Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
- Learn what you love and learn what you’re good at and do those things. Don’t let someone tell you “no.” Pursue your passions. Always do what you love.
- Be you. Be the best version of you. Value authenticity. If others cannot accept who you truly are, they do not deserve any piece of you.
- It’s okay to feel like you’re breaking and that everything is crashing down around you. What is not okay is to stay in that spot. You should not have to go through life unhappy.
- God created us in His own image and likeness. He loves us with such a deep and powerful love. You are His daughter, and that makes you so precious.
- No matter how far the branches stretch, family begins at the roots. Keep the ones you love close.
Despite separation, you will always be my little sister and I will forever love you dearly. You are kept in my thoughts each day. You give me reason to continue to strive for excellency, as I want to be the best model possible for you. I hope that one day you can look into the mirror and see what I see in you: a beautiful woman who deserves the world and more.
Love you lots,
Your Big Sister