Dear Tomi Lauren,
In case you didn't realize this, your angry show is offensive to most Americans. You believe you are calling out other's choices, when in reality, you are just being disrespectful to marginalized groups of people in a matter of 3 minutes. The way you talk about the Black Lives Matter movement and the Standing Rock protesters is diminishing what these people are trying to accomplish. These people who are protesting for their rights and for the betterment of our country are not "cry babies". Just because you personally do not feel marginalized does not make you blind to the oppression of others in this country. As a woman, you should see and understand that.
When you ask what the "perceived oppression" of Black people in America is, you sound like the privileged little white girl you are. When you say you don't see it or understand it and you want to know what people like Colin Kaepernick are speaking out against you are showing how engraved this oppression is. To clarify, the oppression of Black people in America he is protesting is the mass incarceration of Black men. Of the 2.3 million people incarcerated, 1 million of them are Black men, almost 50%. To put this in perspective, Black people make up 13% of the American population. Black people are being arrested and sentenced to jail time at a much larger rate than White people. On top of that, Black people are sentenced longer and harsher sentences than White people for the same crimes. This being the biggest example for engraved racism in our country does not include the stereotypes portrayed in music and movies about Black people which contribute to the everyday racism we encounter.
You have offended much more than just the Black Lives Matter movement and oppression of Black people, but, quite frankly, I don't have the time to write an article about all the people you have offended in your career. This list goes on and on. You say that you've heard it all and you don't care what people say about you, and thats great for you, but there has to come a time where you see injustice and care for people other than yourself.
What confuses me, Tomi, is how you can spew your rhetoric without one ounce of concern for others. Though you may not feel like there are injustices against you, there are terrible things happening in this world that effect other people. How can you not be compassionate for others? How can you not care about the people of the Sioux tribe? How can you only care about the economical effects that DAPL will have not the environmental destruction it will cause? How can you not sympathize with the Black people? I bet it's pretty easy to sit in a chair in front of a camera speaking to people who probably just aren't educated about what's going on in the world. What's hard is taking a stand for what you believe in and going out into the world to fix the problems that others face. So don't mind our peaceful protests and resilience. We are the brave.