Dear United Airlines, when I first read about and even watched the video of the incident with the man you kicked off the plane and then continued to beat down and yell at I was appalled and very upset. At first it was very inhumane to me that a huge airline company would do something so terrible but now after thinking it through I'm no longer upset with your Airline company. To those of you who still think I'm crazy for not hating United let me break it down for you. If a cop pulls you over and tells you to get out of the car and you just sit there and don't listen what do you think is gonna happen? You're probably going to get dragged out and beat if necessary. When someone of authority tells you to do something you do it, it doesn't matter what the reason is. If you just follow what they say then nobody is gonna get hurt. The airport security told the man that he had to get off the plane, he didn't listen. It doesn't matter if he was a doctor. He resisted and had to be dragged off a plane and he got hurt for not simply listening. Do I think that United could've handled this situation in a better way? I mean yeah the way they handled it was not the best solution but they were doing their jobs and they are not the bad guys here. The man who was dragged off is not bad either. Listen to authority when they tell you to do something and nobody gets hurt.