Yes, I’m talking to you.
No not you.
My two best friends.
I just wanted to say that I miss you guys. Of course I’m missing all of my other friends, but you two are the people who are always on my mind.
It’s weird, one of you is just an hour train ride back home, and the other is a plane ride away. Yet even though we are an hour apart I feel like I am millions of miles away, and even though we are a 2-hour plane ride away I feel like you are always right there with me.
To my friend not so far away: Remember the day before I left and us two were in the car crying as I drove you home? I don’t know what I was so worried about. College is great! And I know we are always going to be best friends. I mean we have to get our cheap apartment and have our boyfriends practically live with us, and eat cereal every night for dinner because we are so broke. Next time I have to leave again we just have to remember we are in a world full of apricots. No one else is ever going to replace us cause everyone else is an apricot. People reading this must think I’m crazy, but I know you understand.
To my friend kind of far away: The day we talked on the phone for an hour or so and you were crying, I didn’t want to say anything but I was crying too. I was trying to keep it in because I didn’t want to make you any more upset than you already were. But I had tears streaming down my face. Whenever you’re in pain, I’m in pain, whenever you’re happy, I’m happy. Remember the day we first started talking? I do, we were sitting in the back of the study hall room sophomore year writing notes in my planner about a party going on. And from then on we were inseparable.
I’m sure many people are wondering why I won’t just say your freaking names. That’s the point though, I thought it’d be more fun for people to keep guessing. Plus, I know you know I’m talking to you. I’m sure the picture itself explained it all.
Oh how I miss that place, the hours we would spend driving down those winding roads in the middle of nowhere blasting music. It was as if when we were down there, nothing else mattered. Just us three in the car driving away from all our problems in our small yet twisted town. I loved how it could be completely silent in the car yet it wasn’t because we were mad at each other. We were all just thinking. I can’t wait till thanksgiving when we can all go for a forty-minute drive.
Well I’ll end this letter so that it doesn’t just drag on. I hope your senior year is going well, and I hope you are enjoying your college experience a bit more now. I really hope you transfer to DePaul next quarter; I know you want to it’s just will your mom let you? And to you my friend I know whatever school you choose you will do great at, all your options are amazing and I can’t wait to see what you choose (you know I’ll always want you at DePaul though).