Dear Survivors,
On October 15 and in the days passing, you wrote two words as your status. "Me too." I was astonished by how many people took part. Men and women. It made me realize how cruel this world really is and how terrible things can happen to anyone, even to my dear friends. My heart broke each time I read "me too" on Facebook or Twitter. Unfortunately, I know there are more individuals out there that didn't write those two simple words on their timeline. I just want to tell you that there are so many things I wish I could do for you.
I will always continue to remind you that no one fights alone. You are not alone in whatever situation you were in or whatever someone took from you. I know sexual assault and harassment are very heavy topics and cause a lot of emotional turmoil. Believe me, one of my friends almost took their life because of it and I am so thankful everyday that they didn't. Please don't ever think that ending your life is the way to go. It gets better, even if you don't believe so.
As a survivor, your story can impact another. In fact, your story can save another. Now, I'm not telling your to relive the day or night that it happened and go into detail. However, the two simple words on your Facebook or Twitter started a chain reaction. It started an uprising to make others realize that sexual abuse and harassment has happened and will continue to, even in small town Nebraska. You saved another's life that day just by writing two simple words online.
Please don't ever accept the answers that "boys will be boys" or "you just froze, so I just thought it was okay." Okay, first of all...FREEZING UP DOES NOT MEAN YOU GAVE CONSENT. I cannot stress that enough. Don't accept answers from someone who took something of value from you.
I also would like you to know that I will always be here for you and I will ALWAYS fight for you. That goes for everyone else in your life, too. We want to help, but you have to let us. I also want you to always remember that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. You are either going down a dark path or you have already been down it. Please allow someone to help you. You do not, under any circumstance have to fight alone. You are all worth so much. I mean that. You are all beautiful. You are all handsome. You are all smart. You absolutely did not deserve what happened to you. So, please always remember how valued you are. Reach out when you don't have any strength left. Someone will be there to pick you up and be the beacon of light in your life. Keep fighting.
A friend and someone who is always here to talk