The summer is fast approaching. Although we are technically still in the season of spring, we all know that summer is in our hearts, especially to those of us in college. With the summer comes an idyllic feeling of wonder and awe, something instilled in us by movies and books like “The Parent Trap,” “The Notebook,” and “National Lampoons: Vacation.” Ever since we were kids even cartoons like “Recess,” “Phineas and Ferb,” and “Gravity Falls” made each summer vacation seem like it was the end all be all. It’s no wonder that, now that we’re all adults, the summer gives us a vague sense of let-down.
Where is the adventure? Where is our wild summer with friends turned lovers and leaving in the middle of the night to go God knows where? Why does it feel like we’re not accomplishing anything and just wasting away some of our only time to be young? I’m here to tell you friend, you’re not wasting anything.
There are so many factors in each of our lives that keep us from having a great and crazy summer, but don’t worry -- you’re in the majority. Just because your friends on Facebook took a trip to backpack across Indonesia doesn’t mean it’s any more important than you working 40 hours or more at a job you hate so you have money to, you know, live. Being an adult is hard, even though you’re still in the early parts of it. Your youth isn’t going to get up and run away just because you didn’t spontaneously jump into a car and drive across the country with nothing but the clothes on your back and some great mixed CDs.
You aren’t doing something wrong by building yourself some security. If the only way you’re able to afford college is spending your summer doing long, hard hours of labor then go for it! Your life isn’t “boring” and your adventure is coming! It may not be this summer or next summer, it may be years down the road and you’re married with two kids, but you’ll have it.
I think one of the most important things I can point out is that not everyone will have an epic summer romance. You know how all the stories paint it: passion and drama in the heat of July and finding your “one true love.” I think Hollywood is getting really good at throwing a bunch bologna at us. It’s an expectation a lot of us have for ourselves because if we can’t leave our small towns then we can at least have a passionate summer fling. Let me tell you, you’re not doing something wrong by remaining single and proud, I would also like to extend this to your whole life but that’s an entirely different article. You aren’t wrong or broken because your life isn’t playing out like your favorite movie, you don’t need another person to make you whole no matter what Nicholas Sparks would have you believe.
All of our lives in this crazy world leads us down some strange and winding paths. Some of ours are spent in more static places than some, but you aren’t any less for not having your “young 20-something adventure.” You’re living your best life you can and that’s the most exciting adventure I can think of.
Someone spending her summer in class