Dear Student On The Brink Of "Adulting",
You are doing just fine. I'm starting out by saying this because as a college senior, I know how common it is to forget your worth and all that you have to offer the world. I know that the pressing fear of post-graduation unemployment may be looming over your head, and that you may be doubting yourself and your accomplishments. This is your sign to let go of your doubt because you are enough and you will stand out.
Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you. They may look like they have everything together, but the secret is that everyone is just going through the motions of life, looking for direction and purpose. Just because you don't have a concrete plan that you've dreamed about since childhood, doesn't mean you won't be successful or find a job.
Apply to everything- whether it be a job, position or internship. Even if it's a stretch, you will never know your true potential if you don't try. I promise that you will end up surprising yourself. Always remember that even if they don't call back or if you don't get selected, you put yourself out there and that's more than most can say.
Don't get discouraged. Even though classes are more difficult and you may have no clue about what you want to do after you graduate, you are on the brink of getting a degree- a small piece of paper that will open a world of infinite possibilities.
It's okay to cry. There are weeks when I cry every night and weeks when I don't shed a tear. It's called balance and it's part of life. Never be ashamed that you have a, dare I say it, feeling. Senior year is an uncontrollable roller coaster with twists and turns that even the planners (like myself) can't foresee. Learn to enjoy the ride for all that it is and all that it's not.
Don't ever let your fear keep you from being happy. Most of the things we fear most never happen, so don't live your life around the "what ifs." This is the time to take crazy chances and throw ourselves into what we are passionate about. Your 20's are not for judging and limiting yourself. This is the time to create yourself. To love yourself. To be yourself.
You are not alone. Everything you feel is not only valid, but shared by most, if not all, of the people in your shoes. Graduating in high school means that you are ready to go off to the college that your parents and guidance counselor helped you find. Graduating college is a whole other ball game. Your job search could lead you down the block, or around the world, which is both terrifying and thrilling. Know that you are not the only one grappling with the ideas of post grad life, and let your excitement replace your fear.
A Senior Who Knows What You're Going Through