Dear 2017,
Let's get straight to it. There's a lot riding on you right now. You're going to come into all of our lives and trust me, we're all waiting... And not so patiently.
2016 has been labeled the "worst year," the "year of hell," the "year that needs to end," the "year that needs to stop"-- I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea.
I can't speak for everyone, but through the power of social media, I can confidently say that the vast majority of us have some beef with 2016. Now, of course, some people may have had a great year. I don't know who but whoever you are-- Congratulations! You are a rare breed.
I don't want to get too personal, but since I am taking the time to write you, I'll let you into some snippets of my life this past year.
My 2016 started with a lot of hope. 2015 didn't treat me too well so I was actually bouncing with excitement as I counted down the seconds until it was over. I entered 2016 with loved ones and glee. I try to enter ever year like that, but this one felt special. Well, in a lot of ways, it was. I traveled to new cities, read 100 books, wrote a lot, spent as much time with my family and friends as I could, and was in the same room as J.K. Rowling... How can anyone beat being in the same room as royalty? But, with every high comes a low.
I don't know if anyone has kept you updated, but 2016 has thrown us some fastballs that hit us right in the face. Natural disasters, attacks on cities and people left and right, a hell of an election year, unjust trials, death after death of iconic figures, the list goes on... And as for me, the loss of two loved ones back to back.
Now, all of this has happened in the past and it could happen every year after but for some reason, the tragedies and heartbreaks seemed never-ending for everyone this time around.
But look at me over here. I promised myself I wouldn't get too caught up in the mess that 2016 has left us in (I barely breached the surface). This letter is for you, 2017.
I don't want you to feel too much pressure as you prepare to meet all of us. I want you to come at us with all you've got and be exactly who you are. I, however, do hope that you've got some hope, joy, and compassion wrapped up for us to open on the 1st. I think we all need it. And, hey, 2016 is hated by so many, how can you possibly be worse? (Please do not take that as a challenge.) All I'm saying is we can't wait to meet you.
For no reason other than I don't care to, I don't typically make resolutions. But for you, 2017, I'll make some promises.
I promise to be more open and patient. I promise to be kinder and to spread joy in the smallest of ways each day. I promise to fight for what I believe in. I promise to be strong, vulnerable, and feel no shame about either. I promise to take the 365 days you have to offer and really run with them. None of us can erase what happened in 2016, as much as we wish we could. But, rather than let it divide us further, we can try our best to come together. Maybe my promises seem small and cheesy but if we all made such promises, we might see a change...
Because in the end, 2017, it's as much on us as it is on you. So let's promise to be a team... And let's kick some ass!
P.S.: You're coming at us with the promise of new music from Ed Sheeran and if you don't deliver, I'll be back with a whole other kind of letter.
Lots of love.