As the holidays are nearing and my boyfriend and I will be heading home (his house for the past four years) for Christmas, I thought of how much my boyfriends mom and sister have done for me. I wanted to show my appreciation for these women.
I don't think there are enough "thank you's" in the world to tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. These past (almost) four years has been incredible with him, but not only him but with you as well.
To his mother:
You're amazing, powerful, independent, funny, and extremely loving. You've never made me feel out of place or different from the family. You always look out for me, you treat me as one of your own. You've welcomed me with open arms. Since Rob and I's first date, you've made me feel comfortable and apart of the family. You have shown me what it is to be strong, caring, and a role model. You've helped me see what it's like to be a woman, a mother, and a good person. You've encouraged me to figure out what I want and need to do in life, you've guided me like my own parent and I don't know how to thank you for that. Every year you get me a gift on my birthday, Christmas, and every Sunday phone call I get a, "Hello, we love you and a hug". It's not about the gifts, it's about the thought. You thought of me enough to do something for me. You are one of a kind. My last thank you is perhaps the biggest one. Thank you for allowing me to be with your son. Thank you for trusting me to live with him and be his girlfriend these past four years. Thank you for raising him to be the man he is today, you did an unbelievable job and a big thanks to you for being everything you have been. I love you.
To his sister:
I could say a lot about our relationship. We are sisters, best friends, and confidants. I tell you everything, you tell me everything. Our relationship is unique because I'm pretty sure we would be besties if we just met on the street anyways. Our endless amounts of jokes and inside sayings could fill up a house. Every time we see each other we pick up where we left off, watching Netflix and eating our weight in junk food and laughing so loud that we get in trouble. We talk about everything: Our future, guys, food, life, school, and whats bugging us. We have been pretty inseparable since we met. I also want to thank you. Thank you for letting me into your brothers life, and thank you for treating me kindly. I've heard a few horror stories of sisters hating their brothers girlfriends and it's always terribly awkward, so thank you for loving me. You have become my family, and one of the people I consider to be my great friend. Thank you for making me laugh I almost pee, thanks for your clothes (and visa versa). From our late night trips to Wawa, to our summer ice cream, going to the ocean just to talk, or just laying on your bed eating chips and (re)watching "Grey's Anatomy", our bond is one that is not easily broken. Mostly, thank you for being such an amazing, sister, friend, and person Rob is so lucky to have you. I love you