Dear Mom,
There are not enough ways to express my absolute love for you. I cannot fully express into words how much I admire you and appreciate everything you've done for me. You've been there countless times for me. We've had so many amazing memories and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
Thanks for the ice cream trips, even if it was one every day of the weekend. For the Friday night dance sessions, probably followed up by a homemade milkshake and a movie. Thanks for all the shopping trips and beach days. We never run out of things to do that are just very "us". You've been there for me through thick and thin. You gave me endless hugs when I got my heartbroken. You've seen me cry hard, but you always know how to make it better. Hopefully, I've been there for you when you've needed me as well. We've celebrated moments like birthdays and graduations. We've had a lot of fun times. Even as I'm in college and away from you, you're still such a huge part of my life. I wish I could talk more often but classes have me super busy. I think about you every day because I love you very much. I cannot wait to come home and
Thank you for being the "cool mom" that everybody else wishes they had. My friends love you almost as much as I love you because you know how to help others. You just might be the funniest, most fierce mom I've ever met. You know just how to blend in with my friends, it's almost like you're a part of my friend group!
All the love you've shown me has taught me how to properly give love to the world. You've taught me how to strive for the best I can be because you have had such a strong drive.You taught me how to work hard for the things I want. Your kindness is unmatched by anyone else. Not to mention your amazing outfits, always killing it! You've shown me how to be thankful and grateful for everything I have, and to give to others when possible. Thank you for all the amazing life lessons that will help me forever.
You're amazing and I'm so lucky to call you my mom. I wouldn't have it any other way. You're the prettiest person and I'm lucky to have half of your good looks. I feel blessed to have such an amazing woman to look up to. I'm extremely proud of everything you've done and how well you've raised me. I hope that one day I can be half the woman you are.
Thanks for everything you do, I love you very much mom.