I know that a lot of colleges are starting classes soon and some have already started classes. I wanted to take this time to talk to those who are just starting college, those that are in their second or third year of college, and to those students that still have undecided majors. I want to let you guys know that it is okay if you don't know what you want to do with your life yet, that is what college is all about. College is a time to figure out what you want to do in life and to figure out what you don't want to do in life, it is a time to explore new things and to experiment with those things.
When I started college I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I had my mind set on what my majors would be, what classes I was going to take, and when I was going to graduate. Well lets just say that everything I had my mind set on has happened and I still haven't graduated, but I'm okay with that. I made some changes in my school career, some of them were changes that I never thought I was ever going to make but you never know when things will change in your life and you have to be open to things changing. I was completely open to things changing in school, I was surprised that my idea of what I wanted to do in life changed but I was completely open to it.
I know some people have plans for their lives and if they don't stick to that plan then they think that they have messed up in some way. Yet, what I have to tell you about this thought process is that it is completely wrong. Just because you have a plan set in place doesn't mean you messed up if you don't follow that plan to a perfect "T". All it means is that something in your life has changed and now you have to figure out what you want to do about that change.
I've written about my changes in school before, but here it is one more time. I thought I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was thinking about what college I wanted to go to. I even thought I knew I wanted to be a teacher after taking my first education course in college but something inside me changed when I was in my third education course. I no longer had the drive to become a teacher and I questioned whether or not I was going to be happy in that line of work for the rest of my life. I mean I like children and all and I like to help people but was I going to be able to handle the life of a school teacher, I didn't know. All I really knew was that I had to make a change in my life so that in the future I was going to be happy with my decisions.
That's exactly how I found myself going for a triple major at the start of my junior year in college. I made the change to drop my Education Major and to add my Accounting and Writing Majors to my Mathematics major I was already halfway through. I knew I was going to have to do some extra school because my choice to change my major basically made me start over in my degrees. I made peace with my choice and I have to say that I'm happy with my choices. I would rather take the extra time now in school then to decide later that my schooling was a waste of time because I don't like what I'm doing.
So I wasn't exactly an undecided college student per say but in a way I was a college student that questioned what I was doing in life. So to all the college freshman that are undecided in their schooling, its okay, you will figure out your journey in life along the way. And to those students that are thinking about changing their majors, I say go ahead and do it, you will be fine. Take all the time you guys need in college to figure out what you want to do, you don't have to know everything right off the bat.
I hope my story helps those that are worried about changing their majors, and those that are sure yet what they want to do. I still don't know what I want to do and I'm okay with that, I'm at least learning about things that I like and enjoy. I'm going to enjoy the ride I'm on in college, however long that ride may be and I hope you guys do the same.