To the teacher who first believed in me,
I can not thank you enough for the positive influence you have had on me from such a young age. You will forever be the person I think of when asked, "Who's your favorite teacher?" Your kindness and uplifting energy has stuck with me through all these years.
Maya Angelou once said, "At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel." This could not be truer of you. I might not remember every lesson you taught, but your influence on me has made a lasting impression. You inspired me, encouraged me and introduced me to so many new things. You instilled in me the importance of education early on, and made me want to learn.
You believed in me and in return made me believe in myself. This was perhaps the most important idea that you have passed on to me. You taught me to trust in myself and to always try my hardest. These ideas have continued to develop throughout my life with the help of many other influential people, but I will always trace this notion back to you.
You have not only inspired me to do well academically, but to be a better person. Your kindness and eagerness to help others is truly admirable. You have been a positive role model in my life, and I hope that one day I will be able to affect others the way you have affected me.
I just want you to know that you have made a substantial impact in my life. I feel like teachers do not get enough credit for all their hard work and influence. You truly deserve all the praise imaginable. Thank you for being an incredible teacher, and one of the most inspiration people in my life today.
Your student