The world is so much bigger than you and I. Stopping to look at the big picture will make your problems seem miniscule and insignificant. There is more to life than material items, finances, and status. Coming to this realization will bring you peace, serenity, comfort, and happiness which will connect you to the universe, and a phenomenon greater than your human being. Believe in the greater and become aware of the magic all around you everyday. Life is quite the spectacular miracle. Your life is spectacular, and meant for more.
You were not put on this earth just to make money, to please authority, or to follow a playbook written by someone else. You were made to learn, to grow, to inspire and to be inspired. You were made to enjoy! Enjoy the earth, your mind, and your body. Enjoy the people around you. Help them and let them help you. Go ahead, interact. Feel the wind and the sun and the water. Really feel it.
Force nothing and resist nothing. Ride the waves of the universe while gracefully practicing free will and choice. This is a balancing act, no doubt – but you will learn to bend and give and be flexible where necessary. It will come naturally if you practice everyday.
Maybe you are feeling stressed. Maybe you are anxious, worried, or even depressed, and for that I am sorry. I am sorry and I understand. These emotions are real, and should not be belittled. Mental abuse is extremely difficult to deal with and I sympathize with you greatly, but above that, I congratulate you. Congratulate you for feeling something, for feeling at all. This is the most human, natural, God-given thing to possibly do. Feeling emotions and to responding to them is so raw and real that it is almost admirable. Be proud of yourself for expressing these sensations and not bottling them inside you like poison in a vile. This is an accomplishment in itself that many people don’t achieve.
Learn how to love yourself and put yourself in the happiest mood you’ve ever been in. Smile BIG for no reason, laugh at the absurdity of it, and keep smiling anyway. This life is not meant to be taken so painfully, harshly, achingly, and seriously. Tread lightly, in both the literal and figurative way. Most importantly, go easy on yourself. Your mind and mental health deserve better treatment than what you are putting it through.
Ease up and loosen the reins. Didn’t meet a deadline? Don’t have much in your bank account? Swamped at work? I get it, but the sun will rise tomorrow. Your friends and your family are still going to love you. You’ll still get to feel the wind on your face, be able to jump in the ocean, to cuddle your pets, and to watch things grow. You have control over your own mood and attitude and outlook on life. Becoming more in tune with yourself and the greater universe surrounding you will help you realize that everything is just a simple something, and not just a bunch of smaller, separate things.
The big picture, the universe, the magic of life itself – it is all greater than whatever problem is eating away at your happiness. Help yourself, and rise above it. The natural realm of being wants to help you, so do not let the material world make you resist it.