A Letter To All Soon-To-Be High School Seniors | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To All Soon-To-Be High School Seniors

How do you continue to achieve success in your senior year?

A Letter To All Soon-To-Be High School Seniors
Angela Yang

Dear High School Junior,

Chances are, you've been afflicted with a premature bout of senioritis. Let me tell you, it's not going away anytime soon, but don't worry, it's only normal.

Congrats! You made it — through the "most important year of high school" (isn't that what they all say?) There is a lot of truth in that. If your future plans include college, then this year will serve as the most up-to-date representation of you to colleges. So of course, finish strong.

But when people say junior year is the most important, it's like they're almost implying that senior year will be a breeze. You know, just winging all your AP assessments while submitting college applications while also still staying involved in your clubs and activities. Not exactly a piece of cake.

How do you continue to achieve success in your senior year?

First, define your success — it's different for everyone.

Practically, start preparing to apply to college. Maybe you don't want to seem like the nerd who already has their Common App essay planned out, but I promise, you will not regret at least looking ahead.

Know what standardized tests each college requires, and check whether your intended major has any additional requirements. If you've taken the ACT or SAT, then you might not bother to check these requirements — but do. Many colleges require SAT Subject Tests. If you're taking an AP exam, then this is the best time to take an SAT II in that subject. Knock two birds out with one stone, and it'll pay off.

Lastly, do not slack off! It'll be so tempting, there's no doubt, but just remember that your first semester grades will be sent to your Regular Decision colleges.

Mentally prepare yourself for not knowing how things will turn out. This uncertainty permeates much of senior year, and for many, it's not what we ever expected from senior year.

Lots of us have dream school(s) in mind, and for many of us, these dream schools have changed. A really good question to ask yourself is, "Why do you want to go to XYZ college?" Know what you want in a college. Know where you'll be happy. Don't just look at rankings, seriously. Don't just look at the numbers. Visit colleges. Ask others for their advice and experiences.

There will be times of celebration and times of sorrow. Applying to college can even shake some of the strongest relationships. It's likely that you'll be excited, disappointed, confused, jealous, surprised and everything in between. Emotions will be everywhere, and this is the time to be mindful of that and supportive of others.

Above all, enjoy your moments with the people that are on this journey with you. Keep your mind open, and keep your purpose in mind.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.Proverbs 3:5


A Graduating Senior

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