The Truth To Picking Your Dream School | The Odyssey Online
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The Truth To Picking Your Dream School

The decision that can determine a lot more than just where you graduate from

The Truth To Picking Your Dream School

Having to pick the college you think you will love and attend for the next four years, or five if you prefer to do a victory lap, is a stressful decision. The decision determines your life and a lot more past graduation, too.

I personally did not apply to many colleges as a senior in high school. I knew where I wanted to go and I loved it. But, so many of my friends did not know where they were going to go and some of them applied to over 20 schools. A few of them seemed to not know at all where they were wanting to go.

I always wondered what it would have been like if I had applied to more schools or visited more campuses. Maybe I would have liked a different one more, or fit better somewhere else. But I realize that everything happens for a reason, and I could not have ended up anywhere more perfect for myself.

There are so many different factors you have to think about when you are picking your school. Factors like the weather, environment, how far away it is from your home, if you know anyone at that school, if you want a Greek system, a good football team, how much money tuition costs, if they have your major and so much more.

There are so many things you have to think about when considering the fact you could be picking your future. You think maybe you would happy in one place or you think all of your friends are going to this one college so maybe you should go there too. You really cannot follow the crowd when picking the college that you will eventually attend. That is what will end up putting you in the wrong place.

Do not let anyone tell you where to go or what to do. You have to pick your college to fit your needs and your personal needs. That is what I did, and I could not be happier with where I ended up.

My advice is this: visit all the schools you can, apply to all the schools you want, take risks and apply to those schools that might be considered a "stretch." You never know what will happen and that is the beauty of this unique process.

Do not get too upset when you do not get into your dream college. There is a plan for you and that is not where you are meant to be. That does not mean there isn’t a school out there that you would not love more or be even happier at.

It is a risky business picking your future and trying to plan out what you are going to do when you’re older. But don't stress! It is normal to not have a clue of what in the heck you are going to do 4 or 5 years from now. Do not fret, we are all in the same boat.

I wish you all the best of luck in picking your dream school. It is an amazing journey and this is where it all starts.

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