Hi friends,
I know that you are probably reading this and thinking - Why is a junior in college writing this type of article? Well let me tell you why. You remember how quickly high school went? Well I'm here to tell you that college goes a lot faster. One second you're moving into your freshman year dorm with a roommate that you've only talked to via Facebook or maybe not even spoken to ever. The next you're getting ready to move into an apartment with your friends and preparing to take on senior year. I know some people think that their best years happened in high school, and yes high school was cool, but I promise that college is a different ballgame - so much better than high school.
I want to start off saying that I know that freshman year is terrifying. You're moving away from home, packing your life away, and taking it somewhere new. I know that the thought of having to surround yourself with new friends that aren't your friends that you've known since first grade is scary. Trust me, I spent a lot of my freshman year homesick but that's why I am writing this. So, without further ado, here are some tips on how to really get the most out of your freshman year and your college experience in general. Enjoy!
My first tip would be to put yourself out there. The first week of school is exciting - classes don't start right away, campus is buzzing with activities and events, and there are so many people that could potentially be your friends. Please don't pull a me and stay in your dorm and shy away from meeting new people. Go to the movies on the lawn, to the Student Activities Fair, and to anything that really interests you. Ask people on your floor to go with you or go by yourself. You're never going to be able to experience that first week the same way as you do as a freshman. Take advantage of it - explore and find where you belong. I promise you'll meet friends along the way.
Second, join an organization or twenty. This is so important. Whether it's inside of your major or outside of your major, find an organization to be apart of. Something that you enjoy and want to be involved in. My freshman year I was a part of multiple organizations. By joining multiple things you can experience more and eventually find what you really want to put time and love towards. For me, those things are Pep Band, Colleges Against Cancer/Relay for Life, my sorority, and Meteorology related organizations. If I would have never joined these organizations I would not have met the amazing people that I have in my life nor would I have been given half of the wonderful opportunities. So soak it all in. If you want to be involved in everything, freshman year is the time to try it all out.
Third, hang out with people in your major. As stupid as it sounds, these people have a lot in common with you. You're all passionate about the same thing and you all can help each other out as time goes on. I know that most of my homework is done in a group of us - because math and meteorology can be difficult to conquer on your own. Don't be afraid to reach out to the upper classmen and ask for their advice. They are probably more than willing to give you advice on what classes, which professors, and how many credits to take. They were once in your shoes and they want to see you succeed and stay in the major.
Fourth, get help when you need it. This is the biggest one that I've learned this year. Whether it's school related or related to your mental health, please don't be afraid to talk to a professor, friend, or a professional. Everyone wants to see you succeed. Everyone wants to make sure that you're doing okay and no one wants to watch you struggle and try to fight all of your battles on your own. As independent as you might think you are, college can be challenging. Material won't make sense, being away from home is difficult, and it's easy to get dragged into the negatives. Please promise me that you'll take care of yourself- always.
Lastly, have fun. Enjoy every bit of your college experience - good and bad - because when you're looking back as a junior who is preparing to take on their senior year, you're going to wish that you could go back and do it all over again. College is where you learn a lot about yourself, your passions, and your faith. You meet truer friends than you could have ever made in high school and you end up calling college your home instead of your actual home. Savor every part of it, take risks and opportunities, and don't be afraid to try something new. Just get ready because the best is yet to come.
Sincerely, A Friendly Junior in College