Letter to the Returning Student,
It may seem like a bunch of stress you don’t need, however, it is the best decision you can ever make. Dreams do not have to be put on the back burner. Listen, it’s like this. You can sit at home and whine that you wish you had had more opportunities, but at the end of the day, you make your own opportunities. That’s how it works. School is the same way. It’s important and it’s needed. This was the case for me. I am an English major at Indiana University East and I love going to school.
I am 35 going on 36 years old and I am the only one in my family to get this far in their education. I have five classes left and I will have my Bachelor’s in English. I have worked very hard to get where I am. I have had two children during my college education. Both times I had to take time off from school. I am not a spring chicken. I realized this while trying to do my homework and help my oldest son with his. Then, let’s fast forward to a screaming newborn. Oh my gawd. I thought I was going to die from lack of sleep. I thought studying for finals was bad.
I am about to go back to school this fall, and truth be told, I’m a bit scared. I am going to finish my degree, but I think the thing that gets me is that I have to have a 3.0 or higher to go after my Master’s. Here is the thing. Don’t stress. If you are like me and a bit scared, just take a deep breath. It is going to be okay. I decided instead of taking all five of my classes together, I would take two in the fall and the last three in the spring. Our senior seminar is only offered in the spring. I am hoping it is going to be an interesting class. I missed the one over Harry Potter.
I’ve had to put off graduation because of lack of funds. Do not let that stop you. I had run out of financial aid. I have had to pay several semesters out of pocket. Let me tell you, even at a school with low course prices, I felt like I was going to choke on the tuition bill. I remember one semester my books coming to over $600. Like, wow! Do not let that discourage you from going back. Paying a large tuition bill may suck, but that is what income tax returns are for, so relax. You may have to wait awhile to go back like me, but when you’re standing at the Bursar’s Office paying it all off, it will feel good. I know, because I literally broke into a happy dance. Right there. It was awesome.
So, the bit of wisdom I am trying to impart upon you is simply this. Do not stress over the things you think are holding you back from your dreams. Be patient. Things have a way of working out. Also, some more advice I know you all have heard at some point or another. Relax and if you put enough effort into something you really want, you will eventually get it. Determination pays off in the end. Just some words of advice from one busy mom/student to all of you. Happy dream seeking!