Dear Child of the one TRUE king,
Let me start by saying, you are not the only one…
If you are anything like me, you hear other people’s testimonies and think “why did I have to have a boring testimony.” Let me follow that by saying STOP BELIEVING THAT LIE. A boring testimony? Never. It’s your story of meeting God, stop comparing.
So, here’s the thing. I grew up in a Christian home, I was baptized when I was 11-years-old and things have been good. Sure I have my own struggles, but I never stopped believing in the Lord. As I got involved with youth ministry I always thought to myself, “no one will ever relate to my testimony.” However, over the years I have learned that I am so incredibly blessed to love and know God the way I do. People have told me that it sounds cool to go through this party phase and not know Jesus and then have an awaking moment where Jesus comes into your life. But the truth is, it sucks. They are filled with doubt of the Lord and temptations of their past. I grew up knowing Jesus, I don’t know how to live my life any other way.
I doubted the power of my story. As I mentioned earlier, I thought no one would ever relate to my testimony. Please understand, that’s not true. I realized it was a lie when I had a girl two years younger than me tell me that she wanted the relationship with Christ that I had. That’s when I realized it was a blessing to know what I know. People will find your relationship with Christ attractive.
I may not be able to relate to everyone but people ask me for guidance. People may not relate to me, but they want what I have and it is a really cool feeling to guide someone about living a life centered around Jesus. During my senior year of high school, I was doubtful of my testimony and I felt like I was no longer connecting with anyone. It was at a youth conference that the speaker said “It is YOUR story. Have pride in it. You are the Child of the one true king, so you better start acting like it.” That hit me DEEP. I was being selfish and caught up in the fact that I wasn’t connecting with people. I wasn’t acting like I was the daughter of our heavenly king.
Realize this. Yes, it is your story but stop taking pride in God’s work. He can do all of these way better on his own. Yet he uses us to bring others to him. Yes, it is my story, but God gave it to me. And it’s not my story that brings people to Christ. It is Christ working THROUGH me.
Your story is perfect. God made you exactly how he wanted you to be. Be who he has made you to be. Love yourself, Gods handiwork. Your story is valuable whether you have known Christ your whole life or if you met him last week when you almost overdosed at a crazy party.
Act like the prince or princess you are. Remember you are the Child of the one true king.
Daughter of the Heavenly King