If you happened to click on this link, I am guessing that you scrolling through Facebook is either your way of taking a break from responsibilities or a form of procrastination. Well if you don’t mind procrastinating for just a little bit longer, I hope this read will be worth your time, as busy people, our time is precious and I understand this all too well.
I am guessing that the reason you have no time to eat, and the reason you only have time for six hours of sleep, is because you thought you could handle “just one more thing” which then turns into having very little time for anything else. I get so tired of using the excuse, “I’m very busy” because society has over used this term and while some days we may have one hour, that hour is usually used to rejuvenate and feel like human again or get some exercise. I know that we just want people to understand that we literally don’t have time to take a 2-hour nap on the couch or watch TV. They however may not understand. And that is okay. We just have to take it one step at a time, look up to the sky when things get crazy, because there is a whole world out there, and last of all, not forget who we are.
Some of us function well on packing our days full. It helps us feel like we are going somewhere with our life, or that we are being productive. I totally get that.
I just want you to know, that it is worth it. Either way, YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE. Please, just say no if you can’t handle one more thing. They would rather you tell them no then you commit and not be able to give them your best. If they guilt trip you, there is this special word that you can use. It goes like this, NO. I mean if it is super important, then don’t say no, but if it is like taking someone’s snake on a walk three times a day where you were already taking it on a walk once a day, I mean it’s a snake. They can’t actually WALK.
Also, find something you enjoy, whether it be watching a short Netflix show, listening to music, going on an eight-mile run, or eating Cheetos by the window and drinking tea. Sometimes you just have to do what is best for you. If you do eat Cheetos and drink tea together, please comment below and let me know if it is a good combination.
Being busy also helps with time management, if that’s ever something you struggled with. I don’t know if this is scientifically proven, but I know this is true for myself.
I hope this was worth your time, and I want you to know that it will be worth it. One day, you will be doing what you love, and you will look back and be grateful for all the time you put into expanding your skills. Just don’t forget about friends and family, because in the end, they are what matter the most and will be there for us down the road.