Dear people who body shame,
I don’t understand when that became a thing. Just putting people down because of their body type or weight. That’s not right. A person shouldn't have to look a certain way just to please you. Who cares what a person looks like on the outside, they are probably the sweetest person on the planet. Just because you don’t like the way a person looks like doesn’t make it okay to make comments towards their appearance.
Commenting on how someone dresses is just dumb. They probably built up that confident to wear that dress or those jeans. It’s not your job to tell them what they can and cannot wear. I’m pretty sure they are aware of what works and what doesn’t. They have the confidence to go out and wear what feels right to them. You strive that confidence they have because it’s ten times better than yours. Not only that, but it can be very humiliating for them. Especially if you’re in a public place and make some rude comment, they are going be humiliated and you should feel bad.
Words hurt. Not matter what context they’re in, they hurt. Making joking comments about what someone eats will make them more self-conscious. Saying that she needs to eat a salad or he needs to have a burger is not even funny. Some people take that stuff to heart with them. Then people who are told that they need a salad, they could start less and less. And the guy who you told needs a burger can start eating more and more. Those are both just unhealthy possible outcomes. If you’re going to tell me that if I eat one more slice of pizza I’m going to have a heart attack, you better pull out a medical degree because unless you’re a doctor or a nutritionist, you shouldn’t be giving me health assumptions.
Judging people based on what they look like on the outside is just being judgmental. You just say hurtful things because of what you see on the outside. They could be the nicest person on this entire planet, but you won’t know that because you just see the outside. An actual human being gets to know who a person is on the inside and not care what they look like on the outside. A person won’t judge them on what they eat or how they dress.
I could sit here all day and tell you what you’re doing is wrong in so many ways. But I’m not going to waste my breath and neither should you. Save your breath for something more important than making a snap judgment on someone. You don’t know that person. You don’t know what they are going through. They shouldn’t have to hear rude, nasty, disgusting comments from you. It’s their body not yours.
A confident individual.