Ask yourself this one question, who do you want to be remembered as?
I tend to wander this Earth thinking, "I'm worthless" and "No one likes me;" when the only reason I feel that way is because nobody has the guts to tell me otherwise. There is a purpose to everyone's life; sometimes we just have a hard time finding it.
I have found, that lately people have not been treating me the way I believe any person should be treated and that is not OK. It is time to say something.
So, congratulations, you have successfully pushed me away.
Why is it that the people we love the most tend to be the ones who hurt us the worst?
I am sorry I am not the person you want me to be, and I am sorry I am not good enough, but I am not going to sit here and pray for you to realize what you've done; I can only hope you figure that one out on your own. Although life can get crazy sometimes, I have never left, but you sure as hell did.
And that hurts.
That not only hurts me, but everyone else around. Now I am scared, lonely and depressed. Depressed that there aren't better days to come, like people try and convince me. It is sad that this is all because of one individual, an individual who doesn't seem to love me as much as they say they do, because if they did, I wouldn't feel defeated by them.
Sometimes people say things they do not mean, but does that make it OK? In the past, I know I have said awful things to the people I love. Am I happy about that? No. I wish I could go back in time and think twice before I said anything at all. Unfortunately though, life does not have a time machine, but people have memories, and that's the big issue. That is where I have failed not only myself, but my family and friends as well. I have said so many hurtful things that I have left embedded in their brains.
You cannot expect respect, if you're not willing to give it.
I am promising myself that tomorrow is a new day, and I have been given another chance to make things right in my life. To make the important people around me feel important. To feed my mouth positivity, rather than negativity. But more particularly, to let the people I love, know how much I truly love them.
I can honestly say with confidence that I am a better person now than I was a few months ago, and I only wish that the people I care about the most would recognize that as well. All I strive for, is that others around me feel as happy as I want to be. And although it might be difficult, I do need to eliminate the negativity out of my life if I intend to find happiness.
So for the people, who have recently pushed me away for being the person they "think" I am, I have a few last words for you:
I am an amazing individual; I am kind-hearted, I am smart and I am beautiful.
If you cannot see and appreciate that, then I will find people who will. I do not need to feel like I am working for your love, or that when I do have it, it might only be temporary.
You have helped me create this new journey I am about to embark on, always remember that.