To my college friends,
Thank you for stepping into my life. College move-in day was probably one of the most difficult days of my life. I wanted to leave after my first semester. I’m so glad that I didn’t. If I hadn't stayed I would have never met you guys.
By the end of sophomore year I had finally broken out of my shell and met some of the coolest people that have ever been a part of my life. This is one of the years I will cherish the most and it’s because of you. We would sit outside for hours beyond hours playing games and listening to music. I couldn’t get enough of it. Thank you for throwing water balloons at me on my walk home from class yet still being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thanks for pushing me to be a better student. The library is so much more fun with you around. I surprised myself when I started going to the library with you. We actually got shit done. I even got to spend time with the people I love. Who says you can’t multitask?
Thanks for the nights that turned into mornings. One of my favorite things to do is put the puzzle pieces of the night before back together. As shitty as we might feel the next morning, I wouldn’t trade those nights for anything. How are we ever going to be old and wise if we're never young and crazy?! I hope you know that once you have kids, I will tell them about your college nights.
Thanks for putting up with my sassy attitude and bad days. Thanks for letting me vent to you endlessly about the shit that’s going on in my life. I won’t lie, you may deserve the sass once in a while, but you don’t deserve to put up with me on the bad days. I can never repay you for all you have given me.
As we are all about to embark on our own journeys, I promise to continue to reach out to you. You have found a place in my heart that will never disappear.
Stay in touch,
Forever, your friend.