Dear Mom and Dad,
Through all of the birthdays, holidays and Mother and Father's Days, I don't think I have ever expressed how much I truly love you both.
I have a special relationship with both of you, and I know it took some time to grow. I also know that I wasn't the easiest kid to raise and I gave you some challenges (or a lot of challenges), and yet you stuck by my side the entire ride and continue to give me endless love.
I want to take time to tell you both individually how thankful I am to have you both as my parents.
I want to say I'm sorry for all the fights we've had, all the phone calls I've ended, and the attitude that I know cuts through you. I'm sorry for not always being kind to the nicest woman I know.
I also want to say thank you. Over the past few years, you have become my best friend, and I love you so much for that. You have listened to me cry on your bedroom floor over a stupid boy, you have allowed to me complain and scream about rude girls, and you have always given me the advice I never want to hear but need to.
Thank you for your endless support. I know I'm hard on myself, but you are always there to keep me on track with your positive attitude and high spirits.
Thank you for cooking meals, watching the boys, cleaning the house, doing my laundry and all the other small things you do every day that I go without recognizing.
Finally, thank you for all those voicemails. "Hey Bay-Bop, it's mom! Just wanted to see how you are and what you are up to. I can't wait to see you. OK, love you. Talk to you later. Bye." You have no idea how much those mean to me and get me through my hard days.
I love you.
Thank you for being you. I get a lot of my personality and athletic ability from you, and I love that, so thanks.
Thank you for supporting me through my fitness, dieting, career, college, relationships and so much more. I sometimes feel like my biggest enemy, but you ease my mind. You help me with small things like weighing out how many ounces of cheese I can have or the big things like telling me a boy isn't worth my time anymore.
Speaking of boys, thank you for setting the standard. Not only did you raise two men that I look up to, but you, Justin, and Jackson have shown me what type of man I deserve in my life; I never want to have less than that.
Finally, thank you for still calling me kiddo, Bay and Bailey-Bop. Growing up is a little scary, and I know I act like I am old and wise, but sometimes it's nice to know that I am still daddy's little girl.
I love you.
To you both, thank you for my amazing siblings, paying for school, gas money, groceries, letting me have a dog, vacation, birthday parties, and so much more. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You two are truly the best parents any person could have, and I am so, so lucky and blessed to have you as my own.
I love you, and I appreciate all that you do.
Bailey Marie.