Hey you! I know, I may have known you for most of my life or maybe just recently we've become friends but there's some things I would like to tell you. I'll try my best to not make this sappy because as you may know, I don't like showing emotion too much. It's gross. I don't mind when you show me how you feel because I love you but, I don't like showing my emotions to you because, well, I don't know why.
Anyway, whether you've known me long or not, you've probably noticed I have a very dark sense of humor and you know I don't actually mean it 90% of the time. You also probably have noticed I'm pretty sassy. I'm sassy because I'm letting you know if you hurt me, I'll break you. I also love being dominate. Don't mess with me. With all silliness aside, I just really have to tell you a few things.
First of all, I really do cherish you. I really do enjoy our time spent together. I know you may think you know me but, depending how close you are to me and how comfortable I feel around you, I probably haven't told you everything or you haven't seen all my flaws. That's okay though, I'm sure I haven't seen all your flaws or you haven't told me everything. I'm sure we both have been through a rough time and sometimes not talking about it is the best for us both. Trust is one of those tricky things to figure out. But, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here.
I respect you. I respect who you are, who your other friends are, your political and religious beliefs, and I respect your space. I try my hardest to not make you mad even if we disagree. If you don't like something I've said or done, let me know. I'd rather talk about it like a mature person rather than have you hating me or holding a grudge.
Also, I've always wondered what do I look like to you. Not physically but, do you look up to me in some way or the way I look up to you? What do you think of me? What do you tell others about me? I don't know, I've always wondered that because your perspective of me is different than mine. I mean, I don't see flaws in you at all or maybe I just don't notice them.
Finally, No matter how long we've known each other, you're important to me and play a key role in my life. I can't thank you enough for who you are and everything you've done for me. Even if it was something small, I just want to thank you for it. I hope this has given you some sort of idea of who you are to me or how I feel about you. I don't know if I can say this enough but, thank you.