Many would ask what college students are most thankful for, if thankful at all. Some might say they are thankful for friends or maybe an email that is canceling class. Others might be thankful for $2 talls at Skinners on Wednesday night. We often forget though what actually got us to college to enjoy all those things. Our parents.
As high school graduation rolled around, our parents knew exactly what we were about to endure as we took our first steps into the freshmen dorms on campus. They expected the multiple calls as you tried to figure out how to work the washing machine. They waited for the complaining calls while you were trying to adjust to living in a room the size of a jail cell with another human being. But they knew that at some point you would figure out everything high school didn't teach you about surviving college on your own.
So this is a thank you.
First of all, thank you Mom and Dad, and all other parents, for helping us carry in our belongings as we move into our new homes each year. I know carrying a couch up flights of stairs is not what you intended to be doing on your Saturday afternoon.
Thank you for helping us with "adult-like" tasks. We probably should have helped out a little more around the house.
Thank you for putting up with our complaining and talking us through our frustration. We almost should be paying you for each over-the-phone therapy session that we have had.
Thank you for letting us learn on our own as well, as we all try to figure out who we are and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Even if that does mean changing our major four times before our first year.
Thank you for allowing us to make our own decisions, even when you know we might fail. It has only helped us become better people. So yes, the job you said I wouldn't like and then quit, you were right.
Thank you for driving all the way to Brookings just to eat and hang out for an hour or two. It may not seem like a big deal to us, but it's actually the best part of our day, even week.
Thank you for believing in us. We never would have made it this far in life if it weren't for your effort in motivating us to make something of ourselves.
And finally, thank you, especially, for paying for our Netflix or Hulu subscription every month. Your contributions to our free-time activities has made such an impact.
I know many of us students don't take the time to truly think about how our parents feel not having us at home anymore. For many of us, being the favorite child and all, it really puts a damper on our parents' moods. So I want to apologize, but also thank you, for fighting that adversity and still living your everyday lives.
But I just want parents to know that when we do decide to travel home for a weekend, it is not just for free food and laundry. It is to show our gratitude for all that you have done for us. We could never have become who we are today if it weren't for you guys.
Thank you.