Last week was International Women’s Day (WOOT WOOT HOLLA!). It was so amazing to be amongst so many amazing wonderful and talented woman and I could help but go “YASSS” any time any of them breathed. I couldn’t help but think about all the woman in my life that have inspired me. I mean of course there’s Beyoncé and the Notorious Miss Piggy, but there was one specific woman who has made me into the person I am today, who I would be utterly and completely lost without. My mother.
1. You have always believed that I could accomplish anything.
2. You mended my heart whenever it broke.
3. You have never once doubted me.
4. You are to blame for my excessive spontaneity😉.
5. You gave me the courage to a strong woman.
6. You showed me that being a girl was NOT an insult.
7. You taught me that the heart is the most powerful weapon anyone could have.
8. You laughed at all of my jokes, whether they were funny or not.
9. You helped me appreciate the importance of cleaning my room(it’s a work in progress).
10. You gave me the freedom to be me.
11. You told me that it was okay to be a little bit of a weirdo(or a big one😊)
12. You inspired me with your relentless faith.
13. You helped me to run with the punches when nothing seemed to go right.
14. You showed me how to love myself before anyone else.
15. You are my best friend.