This is not the first time this has happened to me. This will not be the last either, unfortunately. I was on my way home minding my own business, but you had different plans.
Catcalling has been addressed multiple times before on various media outlets, so one would figure by now maybe those who do it would stop. But no.
It was a Wednesday. I was taking the LIRR into Manhattan to go home for a long weekend. The train was almost full, not the worst I have seen it, but not the best either. I chose to stand. Instead of taking my chances in search of a seat I set myself up against a wall with my backpack, purse, and duffel bag. It was only 30 minutes.
Time seemed to freeze on that ride. Once he had vision of me, the more that time seemed to have slowly melted away.
It started with just staring. I would feel a set of eyes on me, look up from my phone, and watch him avert his eyes away. It wasn’t that bad…at first.
I was wearing a baggy, old t-shirt, leggings, sneakers, and no make up on. I wasn’t asking for it. None of my assets were out on display. As I have grown older, I have learned that when traveling alone, and being a young, female woman, it is sometimes better not to draw unnecessary attention upon myself.
He knew I was beginning to catch him. I tried to adjust where I was standing, but there were too many people and not enough space. Then the whistling began. The noises. “Mmm.” Over and over again...
I am not going to lie, I get anxious when things like this occur to me when I am alone.
I do not understand.
Will there ever be an explanation as to why people, not specifically men, catcall strangers?
Every single time it has occurred to me, in various locations, I have never enjoyed it. When discussing the topic with friends, they had the same opinion as I do.
So why did you, man on the train, think this was okay to do to me?
Am I supposed to be flattered?
Was me turning my back to you, trying to move myself out of your vision some sort of sign to continue it?
Or how about this: Do you have a grandmother, mother, sister, and/or daughter? Would you ever do that to them? Probably not. Would you ever want another man or woman catcall them? I bet the answer is no.
Have you ever been a victim of catcalling? You will never know how it feels until you are on the opposite end of the situation.
Will catcalling come to an end? Will my children be able to live comfortably in their skin and be out in public?
This needs to stop. Now.