George O'Malley, 007, Heart on the Elevator Guy, John Doe. Our little Georgie, you were always the underdog, always the nice guy who was forever in the friend zone. You were taken from us too soon and there isn't an episode where your absence isn't felt. Its been seven years, and I am still not over it. You snuck into our hearts for so many reasons that they cannot be counted, so here are a few.
You could tell a thousand stories with your facial expressions.
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You were the most real character on the show.
You didn't have perfect hair, nor did you pay for medical school by modeling. You were from a normal family and you worked hard to be reach your dreams.
You felt the pressure of time, the same as every highschooler, college student, and adult feels. But you never let it intimidate you or keep you from what you wanted.
You always choose your friends because you were just that kind of guy.
You were a master of the Mc nicknames.
You were close to your family even though they didn't always understand you.
You never let heartbreak stop you from trying to find love again.
You actually cared about your patients, which made you an even better doctor.
We will always miss you George O'Malley.