Dear High School Me,
You have so much to learn and every little thing that goes wrong may seem like the end of the world, but it's not. Every little mistake is just another life lesson. The boy you like at 15 is not your soulmate, so don't waste too much of your time dreaming up scenarios that will never happen.
You are enough and you don't have to try to be something you're not to fit in with the crowd. Trust that the right people will stand by you for your true self and you'll find your good friends. Please, don't ignore the signs. Whether they may be good or bad, trust them and take them in stride. Don't sacrifice your passions because someone thinks they're unconventional. I wouldn't be writing this article right now if I believed that person.
Sometimes, it's okay and even necessary to be alone; it makes you stronger and more independent. Always try to see others' perspective on things, instead of judging them hastily. Everyone has a past just like you. Respect it, learn from it and don't judge others based on it.
Understand that bad habits don't break overnight, just like good habits don't form overnight. In times of despair, it's okay to stop what you're doing and go for a drive. Watch documentaries. Keep thinking big. Your parents care about you more than you will ever know. That test you bombed in high school doesn't define you. Just study smarter next time. Play on your strengths and don't dwell on the weaknesses. This is justhigh school; those big things will be small moments in hindsight.
Your siblings may not always be there to build you up when others may tear your down. Don't take them for granted. Keep up the good work, and don't give up. You have made it this far. For those times when you don't think you'll make it, you will.
In the words of Steve Jobs, "stay hungry, stay foolish." There's no present like the time, so enjoy it. You'll be wishing you had more days in high school, but I promise you, better ones are coming.