Dear high school food chains all across the nation,
Can I ask you a question? Yes? Okay, what is your function? For centuries food chains have been around that sustain a certain level of peace, but you aren't one of those.
High school food chains have been traditional and expected in every high school for decades; the order not really changing.You put the nerds on the bottom for the slightly less nerdy kids. Then you have the druggies and the misfits who seem to get along with everyone, even the drama kids. Although, the lion of the food chain, the top dogs, have always been the jocks and cheerleaders.
I'm not talking about the cliche mean girl or the playboy, I'm talking about the ruthless and shallow Autobots in reality. They do whatever it takes to come out on top; not caring about the consequences. It's all YOUR fault. They've been implanted with the high school sticker. It's like a tame version of the hunger games, minus the killing.
Coming from a nerd, you suck! Us on the bottom are constantly in fear of being called out because of one iota of a difference in us from the jocks and cheerleaders. We hid, we wither, and we keep quiet and it's just not fair.
It's time for a change, don't you think? I understand you have a certain level of royalty and are a tradition, but even traditions can change. It's 2018! Gays' are allowed to marry, women are banding together, and even teenagers are joining to stop gun violence! A change will be accepted. Please think about it.
A resident from the bottom of the food chain