Hey guys!
Yes I'm talking to all boys, the players, the geeks, the jocks, the gamers and all in between, this one is for you.
Has anyone lately asked how you've been doing? If yes, have you told them exactly how you felt? Or did you pull the, "things are good, I'm okay" phrase?
Why do you do that?
Has anyone told you it's okay for you guys to have emotion? Woah, shocking right? But it's true. Is it a good thing to be strong? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean you have to be strong all the time. You guys have it pretty hard.
Don't show your emotions. Be tough. Be strong. Be intimidating but not too intimidating. Get the girls but don't give your soul to a girl. Only give her what everyone else sees. Is this really what you want to do? Or is this what you've been told to do because you're a boy?
Another question, how many times in a day do you tell yourself to toughen up?
You know, you guys are strong naturally. You have a better job controlling your emotions than us girls do, but that doesn't mean you don't have them. Open up. Show the world who you really are. What's beneath the tough guy exterior. What are your dreams? How did it feel when you went through your first heart break? Stop hiding yourself behind a mask. People will love you for who you are, inside and out. Despite what your taught, it's not wrong to cry and it is in no way wrong for you to feel.
And in case nobody has told you today, you're handsome, you're smart, and you're just as worth being here as any girl is. You are important. Don't let any "man" tell you you aren't.
So go out and enjoy yourself, listen to the music that makes you happy, watch the movies you enjoy. Tell the girl you love that you think she is amazing. Tell your best friends you care about them. Tell the world how you feel.