Dear you,
For me, 2016 started on a really rough foot. I was defeated, so confused, and so sad. I was so unsure about my life and the relationship I was in. I don’t think I could admit it at the time, but I know I was very unhappy and very insecure. I didn’t feel like I was worthy of being happy and began to question who I was as a person and even thought I might be what was wrong. For a solid six months I was depressed, holding everything together with a smile and the hope that things would change and go back to normal. I’d like to think I put on a pretty good front during this time and many people couldn’t tell that anything was wrong. That is, until I met you. You saw something in me. You looked deep into my eyes and even my soul and saw my pain even if I didn’t want you to. I think at first I was even afraid of you because I knew you could read me and could/would call me out when you knew I wasn’t being honest with myself. Becoming friends with you was the best thing that ever happened to me.
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You are a true friend. You aren’t someone who just half asses their friendships. You commit and when someone needs you, you’re there. Whether you simply listen or you’re there with a big hug, you’re always there. You are the best person to talk to and you give great advice. You always amaze me how you actually listen to me and respond with something meaningful and engaging. That is something I’m still amazed by, I know that when I talk to you, you are actually hearing me and care about what I’m saying. I’m always impressed by your intelligence and the way you always find a way to answer any question I have and help me figure out any situation I find myself in. You inspire me to be a better listener and a better friend. If I could make someone feel just a fraction of the amount of importance you make me feel, I would be so happy.
You are an amazing boyfriend. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me and you make me feel like the happiest girl in the world every day. Some days I’m amazed by how well you treat me and thank God that he gave me you and allowed me to be this happy. You always make me feel so loved. You show me how much you love me every day even if I don’t physically see you. Whether you tell me verbally or you grab my hand to hold it or cook me dinner or support any and everything I do, I know you love me. You always tell me how beautiful I am even if I’m just in my go to leggings, t-shirt, and big glasses. You always take care of me when I don’t feel well and hold me when I’m sad. You always put me before yourself even if it makes me feel a little guilty that you do. I know there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for me and of course, I hope you know, that I would do anything for you too. You have shown me in such a short amount of time what love truly is. Love is selfless, unconditional, honest, genuine, kind, forgiving, patient, enduring, and takes sacrifices on both ends. I consider myself very fortunate to have that kind of love with you each and every day, thank you for that.
You are a great person. You are so funny, silly, caring, positive, and imaginative. You make me laugh until my stomach hurts, literally. I can never not smile when I’m with you, I think its impossible. I love being silly with you and not having to worry if you’ll judge me or think its stupid because I know you don’t. I can always be myself around you. You have such a positive outlook on every situation and can always reassure me that everything will work out. You are so imaginative and I love getting glimpses into that brain of yours. You make every day better and you encourage me to always stay light hearted and enjoy my life for what it is and appreciate every moment I have, especially every moment I have with you.
Coming out of 2016, I found myself to be a much happier and more confident person, capable of tackling any and every obstacle that comes my way with humor and strength. I think a large portion of the reason I feel that way can be credited to you. You have changed almost my entire outlook on love and life. I am so happy that I met you, became friends with you, and am now your girlfriend. I consider myself very lucky and hope and pray I can be a fraction as good of a partner and friend to you as you are to me. I can’t wait to see what 2017 and so many more years with you have in store for us. I love you.