Sometimes things happen, relationships go bad and the hurt is so strong that it can break someone into a million pieces. So I am writing a letter to the guys out there who want a girl that has had her heart badly broken.
Dear Him,
So you found a girl that you really like, but you know that she has had a badly broken heart. Don't run for the hills just yet, because there are things that you need to know before you make that decision.
1. If she is hesitant to talk about her ex, do not think its because she is hiding something from you, or that she still has feelings for him. Most likely she got hurt so bad that she doesn't even want to think about it, so it is hard for her to talk about it because it brings the hurt she felt back, so give it time and she will be able to open up more.
2. If you tell her that you love her and she doesn't say it back right away, do not be alarmed. When someone gets their heart broken, they build up walls more than they ever had, eventually those walls will be torn down if the trust, love, and respect is there, it will just take a little longer.
3. Trust is probably something that is really important to her, but someone could have betrayed that trust so she might be hesitant, which I'm telling you is completely understandable. Now, I'm not talking about the people who just can't trust anyone whatsoever. I am talking about the girls who want to trust but they need to be reassured that they can trust you, and they will with time this is a key part to relationships so it is important for her to trust you.
4. Falling in love again after she had her heart broken probably is a scary concept for her. She might even tell you that it is scary for her. All you can do is be honest with her and reassure her, and above all prove to her that she has nothing to be scared about.
5. Don't you ever break her like she has been broken in the past. I'm not saying that you guys can't ever break up. But don't cheat, don't lie, if your not feeling it anymore be honest with her. Don't blindside her, don't stand her up, don't make her do things that she doesn't want to do. Don't be that guy that has a beyond repair heart on his hands, its not good for you or her.
It's really not hard to be good to another person. But these girls who have been torn to pieces, the girls who have been lied to, betrayed, completely tossed aside need some help to be the person that they were before. The good guys out there that want to help just have to be patient, it will take time, and it won't be easy, but if you really care about her, and love her than the time it takes should be worth it.