Dear One,
I’ve been where you are, in fact I am still navigating these waters myself. Learning to love yourself is easily one of the most difficult things you can do in your whole life. We have so many sources of negativity around us that sometimes it’s hard to find any source of light within our lives. I hope you can learn, like I am, to look for all of the happiness that exists, because truly in this world there is so much to be happy about.
Something I hope you come to realize is that no matter how you are feeling, I am positive it will pass. Your darkest hour is just that, only sixty minutes before the sun comes back out. And dearest, it will shine brighter than ever before. No matter what you think you are going through by yourself, so many before you have braved these paths and you will never walk alone.
If you are anything like me, I know you will look in the mirror and wonder why you look differently than others. But here is the thing, no one has a perfect body. Everyone is completely unique and no matter if you are lush and curvy or slim and petite, you have as much worth as the woman standing next to you. Embrace every inch of your body, because you are always gorgeous and worthy of all of the love in the world.
So here is what I hope for you. I hope that you begin to count the people who make you smile every day rather than the calories that you eat. I hope that instead of tearing yourself and other women down, you learn to build yourself and others around you so high all you see is starlight and sunshine. I hope instead of wondering if you are good enough, you find the love and strength inside yourself to realize you have never been less than ultimately worthy. No longer should you determine your worth based on your outward appearance. Someday I hope you realize that pretty is not the rent you pay to exist on this world as a woman. Therefore, never hesitate to wear sweatpants or never wear makeup, or wear a fancy dress and as much makeup as you want. Only you can decide what makes you feel best, and what empowers you to be the best version of yourself.
I hope these things become easier for you to accept, and I hope that every woman young and old begins to accept themselves for exactly who they are. No matter what size your body is, what matters most is the size of your heart. Know without a doubt that no matter what, you are loved, and you are worthy of every good thing the world has to offer.
I love you so much dear one, so please never lose faith in yourself or the world around you.
-Someone who is walking this path right alongside you