You are worth way more than the world says you are. You are special, and there's only one "you" on this earth.
Take a moment and think to yourself, do you know that you are worth loving? Do you know that you are worth smiling at and you are worth talking to? The wild thing, is that no matter what your past is, no matter what your present is, you will always be one special human being. And God's plan for you on this earth is so spectacular that only you can accomplish it.
Insecurities are a huge issue among people all over the world. I have them, and I can bet that you do too. But amongst the pain, amongst the doubt, and amongst the hardships you face, you are worth loving. You are beautiful, you are one of a kind, and you are extraordinary.
You are beautiful, you are one of a kind, and you are extraordinary.
And please don't let anyone tell you anything different. Because you are loved by the King of kings, and His opinion is surely much more valuable than any human's on the earth. You weren't made to think less of yourself, and you weren't made to compare yourselves to others. Love yourself. Because it's very hard to live a life where you don't love yourself. I think it's time for you to realize that what people say or what people don't say about you does not matter. You are still smart even if you fail a test or class, and you are still beautiful even if the guy in your class says you aren't.
Don't find your worth in the words people may or may not say to you, but instead find your worth in the One who created you.