Dear Queens,
After only knowing you for a semester of school, I can honestly say I'm the happiest person that could walk this beautiful planet. Because of you all, I am proud of who I am, what I look like, my beliefs and how my future will turn out. I truly can't thank you all enough and I am truly blessed to have found y'all.
Remember these things:
Our literal last minute adventures.
The music blasting in the car.
The pictures we've taken.
The laughs shared.
The tears that sadly were also shared.
And all of our inside jokes.
Remember these things because when we have children of our own, we hope and pray they find friends that will do that same with them. Remember these things when you are sad three states away and you are in a low place. Remember these things when we are old and remembering all the crazy times you had with your girl squad. Remember when we felt invincible and that we were on top of the world. Remember the days we forgot all about our responsibilities and did what kids are supposed to
To the girl that hasn't found her squad...don't give up.
It took Taylor Swift years(and I mean years) to get her squad of queens. One simple event like getting coffee with a friend will set off a reaction that could create your squad. Step out of your comfort zone and live. Live to meet new people and experience things.
To my girl squad.... I love y'all and I can't believe I found such amazing people to hang out with and experience crazy adventures with.
Your fellow adventurer