Dear "friends,"
I know what this may seem like to you, but don't worry, I'm not here to bash on you. I'm here to thank you.
Thank you for allowing me to realize that people can tell you anything you want to hear, but at the end of the day actions speak much louder than words.
All of the events planned without me, all of the talking behind my back (and the lying to my face), and all of the over-dramatic stories and pity parties taught me valuable lessons about the qualities I should look for in a real friendship.
You taught me that friends shouldn't feel obligated to ask you to do things all the time. They shouldn't talk negatively about you, or lie to you, or tell your secrets to someone who they claimed they didn't even trust with their own secrets. A real friend shouldn't be embarrassed when you get overly excited about your favorite song playing in a store, or when you want to say hi to strangers walking on a sidewalk. Not all of my friends are going to act just like me, but despite our differences, they will never make me feel like I should be ashamed of who I am.
You may have been there for me temporarily, but only when it made you feel like a better "friend."
My step-dad taught me to be civil with everyone despite their possible intentions, but never to make them a priority in your life. Acquaintances cause less heartbreak than friends who aren't willing to make you a priority. I am no longer angry over the way that past friendships have ended, but I will never forget how it made me feel in that moment. Friendships are two-way streets and I always seemed to be walking alone. Now I have people who value me and would never change me for the world because I have learned to embrace myself and stop worrying about what would make my "friends" like me.
So thank you for teaching me that I am so much more than just a convenience. This isn't high school anymore and quite frankly I am exhausted of trying to be less of myself because it was always too much for you to handle. I have learned my own personal worth and know now that true friends are there to act crazy with you. They will dance down the isles of Walmart and scream out of car windows at the top of their lungs because they are who they are and they aren't ashamed of it. And although they may not always agree with my choices, they are a support system that I will have for life.
Your "friend"